Multicoloured art prints & posters

Multicoloured art prints & posters

Magnificent multicoloured art prints & posters

Buy multicoloured wall art prints & posters online at Claude & Leighton

We have a fabulous selection of multicoloured prints and posters at Claude & Leighton.

Colourful prints from original landscape paintings, multicoloured abstracts and animal posters, multi colour geometric prints to make you happy, and much more, So many reasons to add bursts of colour to the walls in your home or office.

All about use of multiple colours

Colour has two roles. Describing and composing.

We describe colours in terms of hue (e.g. orange-yellow or green-yellow), saturation (pure or neutral colour), temperature (warm to cool) and value (light to dark).

When applying colour in art, there are rules for colour composition. Colour should be used to harmonise or contrast, to create a visual path, rhythm and emphasis, and to unify a scene.

Ultimately, when using several colours in a piece of art, the trick is to combine and balance colours in a way that is pleasing to the eye.

Our lovely multicoloured art prints and posters will give you pleasure and liven up your walls. Don't forget to ask if you need help choosing.