Black & white art prints & posters

Black & white art prints & posters

Brilliant black & white art prints & posters

Black & white art prints, wall art & posters available from Claude & Leighton

Black and white art prints, wall art and posters are available from Claude & Leighton to make a pure, dramatic statement in your home or office.

On their own, black and white can make strong and visually appealing statements in art. Black and white together are an artistic marriage made in heaven. We particularly love the use of black and white in our art photography prints and typography posters. And black and white abstracts, mmmm! Need we say more?

All about black as a colour

Black has no shades in its purest form due to the complete absence or absorption of light.

Black is a very strong colour and can be quite intimidating with its power and sophistication. Black is often seen as elegant too.

Of course, the colour black also has negative and distressing connotations. But here, we're focusing on its ability to make a statement, whether ethereal, vulnerable, edgy or mysterious. And when you pair it with white it makes a fabulous statement.

All about white as a colour

Did you know that there are no shades of pure white due to it being the combination of all colours? Zinc or titanium is added to produce white paint.

White is associated with innocence and purity. Think newly fallen snow and wedding veils. White is elegant, beautiful, graceful and sometimes ethereal.

Although white can sometimes be seen simply as a background for other colours, or as cold, when used in the right way it can make a strong visual statement and exude positivity and optimism.

White is associated with mental clarity and fresh starts.

So take a look at our black & white art, prints and posters to see if you can find the statement you're looking for.

If you can't find it, or if you have any questions, then please contact us so that we can help.